Thursday, July 22, 2010

UnderTHERE..... UnderWEAR??


I spent more than 3/4 of my day in my swimsuit. After swimming I was in a hurry and just threw the the clothes on over the ol bathing suit. Haven't fixed that yet, at 9:30 at night is there really a point?? During my nightly walk I had a thought.... Since I'm spending most of my summer like this and Victoria's Secret is sooo generous and sends me coupons for a FREE panty on a regular basis.... I don't ever have to buy underwear!! Yep, Bet you are SUPER glad you read this particular post. :)

1 comment:

Munchy's Mama said...

Jeeze, I'm jealous!! Sounds like an awesome carefree (underwear free) summer!! (o=