Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Heard the Nile Runs East to West

This is a random post, what do you do though. The last couple days I haven't really had patience for anything, (for my PreSchool Moms that read this, don't worry my patience at work has actually been better than ever) even listening to the radio is getting on my nerves. So to solve this problem I have started hitting scan and just been listening to my radio in that way. Once or twice I have stopped and actually listened to a song, but mostly I just scan. Well early this morning I was laying on my couch, half asleep and singing a song in my head over and over. I sang the same 3 lines continuously in my head. One of the lines was "I heard the Nile runs East to West". All the while thinking it was a song I had heard while scanning, much later that day I had decided I made it up and sang it in my head over and over for roughly 30 min. I just googled it though and it is Spaceman by the Killers. Glad I'm not crazy.

1 comment:

Munchy's Mama said...

Hey- for the record, you have WAAAYYY more patience than I. You're GREAT with the kids, we love you!