Thursday, November 26, 2009

Well Thanksgiving is over and I figured I'd bore you with yet another post. I seem to have done a LOT lately, but I figure it's good since this is also my journal. The morning was spent snacking and playing Speed Scrabble with all of my sisters. This meant lots of funny conversations, and a random game of Hide and Seek. The afternoon was busy with all the cooking, (I'm grateful for the chance to improve my cooking skills and learn some new recipes.) and running to my trusty neighbors to use their oven. (Thank you Warrens) After our Thanksgiving feast our cousins came for Pie and games. I may have even snuck some reading in. I have so much to be Thankful for (for example, not getting sick). I have a great family that will shortly include my first Nephew, I seriously can't wait for the little boy to get here. I have amazing friends who inspire me to be better. I have a job that I LOVE and little Pre-schoolers that teach me and make me smile. A Church that is true and a loving God. There is much much more but I wanted this to just be short. Happy Thanksgiving


Brian and Kristy said...

I'm so happy you got to enjoy Thanksgiving food this year! Yay for not getting sick! Love you babe!

P.S. I've been watching some serious Friends. So great!

Melissa said...

very sweet post. i am so happy for you that you didnt get sick! neither did i and i cant believe it. last november was the worst for me!
you are so great with my girls and they love you so much! i'm glad you love working at BHS. i couldnt ask for better teachers to be with elizabeth and sydney during the day! you are the absolute BEST!

Hermit said...

I have been playing scrabble all weekend! That is our next competition!!