Saturday, December 27, 2008

Mac & Cheese,Trains and 30 Rock x 2

I wish I had pictures, I didn't take hardly any. That is a shame because this Christmas was probably the best ever. The only sad part was not having my younger brother with us. He is on his Mission, serving in South Carolina. We did get to talk to him, I'll tell about that later though. This year on Christmas Eve we had our traditional meal of Steak and Seafood. We had SOOOO much food; Steaks, 2 different types of sausages, Crab Legs, Shrimp, and Scallops. The only problem with this I don't like Seafood and neither does my youngest sister Carissa. We fix this by making Macaroni & Cheese, usually we make home made but this year we made Kraft!! Yep, we are fancy!! So we had our great feast and we also had English Party Crackers, something I hope will become a new tradition. My Dad went on his mission to England so that is why we got them, I got a new measuring tape in mine, and a cute crown. We then played Apples to Apples, our family's favorite game. We played a couple of rounds and had a BLAST, I didn't win once but still fun!! We then each opened one present, Michaela, Carissa, Spencer and I got new pajamas. We look forward to that every year, and when we were younger we would get matching pajamas. This year my Mom really surprised us by explaining that while she sewed them, my Dad picked out all the fabric. He did a GREAT job!! Mine were Pink and had Crowns (TOTALLY ME). My younger sisters and I had our traditional sleepover, we watched movies and fell asleep long before we planned to. Well this is getting long so I will Blog about Christmas Day another day.


Brian and Kristy said...

I'm glad you had a good Christmas. We had a lot of fun with you guys Saturday night. Hopefully we see you Wednesday! love ya honey!

The Steffensen's said...

I guess this post is to be continued with the part about Trains and 30 Rock x 2??? :)

I love Apples to Apples but I'm still look forward to the Friends Scene It!