Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving!! (only a little late)

I am really behind on my posts, I just realized that Halloween was pretty much the last post I did. I was going to do a post about Thanksgiving but I got the flu on Thanksgiving so that pretty much ruined that idea. I spent the day on the couch, and ate Ritz Crackers. But some positives about the day:
-I got to watch my favorite episode of Friends; The One with the Late Thanksgiving
-Devin came over and gave me his old phone since mine dies five minutes into a phone call
-I won a SUPER CUTE head band in a game of Bingo (Yep that is a picture of them)

The day after Thanksgiving I felt totally fine and was able to make it to Ben Franklin where they had all their Vynil Lettering 40% off!! I was able to control myself though and only got 2 sayings and also got a glass block to go with one of them. (I will post pictures of them later on) I had a BLAST decorating my room for Christmas, I love to decorate and can't wait to have a house of my own to go crazy decorating!! Anyways here are some pictures my fall decorations.

It is hard to tell, because I had a hard time getting a good picture of these. They are the tiny pumpkins, I mod podged them and put different shades of sparkles on them. I also put beads on them kind of like little leaves. Again it's not a great picture.

I love this little carriage, anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE Princess stuff, and this totally reminds me of Cinderella!! I got this with my Amazing friend Kristy, I pretty much love her!! I got it when I was visiting her in Logan, it was at a store called, Sugar and Spice. Cute name huh? I saw this and Had to have it!! I added the leaves for fall, and in my next post you will see what I did for Christmas!! I know the suspense is killing you!!
I also did another bulletin board for Thanksgiving at work, and this is how it turned out.

This is the finished product, and yes I stole the saying from you Melinda!!

Of course I am going to make a Turkey!! I love to do the art projects too!!


Cheryl said...

You need to teach me how to mod podge cause your stuff is really cute! And i LOVE LOVE LOVE your carriage. What a great idea :)

Melissa said...

i love the mod podge pumpkins!
and the carraige! it's soooo you!
that sugar and spice place sounds fun. you are SUCH an artist!
im glad you feel better...i'm starting to feel better finally.
it helps knowing i'm not the only one who keeps getting sick...hehe.

Camie said...

Yea! I found your blog! It is so cute!!!! You are incredibly creative! I love it! I need your email address again and I will send you an invite :). (

Brian and Kristy said...

I love the carriage. Good times honey, good times. I can't wait to see you again. Love ya!

Mindy said...

Well I can't remeber that saying...was it on a page? I would have stolen your turkey hand idea if you would have posted it before Thanksgiving!!(Imagine my mean voice on that last sentence!) I hope you have something fun and easy posted soon that I can do with my kidlets!! ya know I love ya right!!